Saturday, December 29, 2012

Redbox - Be Careful!

I've been using Redbox without any problems for at least 2 years and have been quite content.  Recently I had an issue and I am not sure if I will continue to use Redbox in the future.

At the end of November I rented a movie from the Redbox.  I received the movie from the Redbox kiosk, slip it in my purse and go home.  Later, as I open the case to put the movie in my DVD player, I realized the movie that came out was not the movie that I had selected.   Instead of my DVD I received a blue ray disc with a completely different title. I was pretty bummed but I figured I'd call them the next morning.

I did call the next morning and I was on hold for a few minutes.  The customer service rep was very polite, apologized for the mistake.  He stated it does happen and he would be happy to give me a couple of free codes which was fine with me.  He also cautioned me that if I wanted to rent the same movie again that I should rent it before I returned the "wrong" disc so I didn't get the same wrong disc again.  Well I ended up just returning the movie since they did not have a movie in the kiosk that I wanted to watch.  Surprisingly the movie registered under the correct title and blue ray format when I returned it. Great, or so I thought.

Almost a month later I check my email one morning and there is a new email from Redbox stating that they were charging me $25.68 for the non-return of the movie that I never even got in the first place.  Of course I was on the phone with Redbox ASAP when they opened that morning.  I again got through to a rep quite quickly.  The rep stated that they would give me a one-time courtesy credit of $24.00 but that I still owed them for the 1st night rental of the movie.  I thought to myself "one-time courtesy credit", it was Redbox's screw-up not mine, they should credit me irregardless, not as a courtesy.  I was told it would take 5-10 days to receive my credit.  I was just happy that I would get my money back, and that was how the call ended.  I will say I did receive my credit a couple of days later, much faster than anticipated.

Still I wondered had this happened to anyone else so I did a Google search and I was surprised to say the least.  According to what I came across I was one of the lucky ones.  After everything I read I have not rented since.  Some people have been charged, weeks and months after returning a movie or game to redbox.  You agree to this in their terms of service when you rent from them.  I'm not sure if I will rent again from them or not, I hate "surprises" like charges to my debit card that are incorrect and according to redbox if that should happen again I would not receive a credit since I already received a "one-time courtesy credit". 

If I were to rent from them again I would do the following and recommend anyone renting from them do the same.

  1. Don't use a debit - use a pre-paid or credit card.  At least with a credit card you can dispute it.  With a pre-paid card you can control how much money is actually on the card.
  2. Keep track of all your Redbox emails stating returns, charges, etc. in a separate folder or if you use gmail give them all a label, like say "redbox"
  3. Finally, check your disc's carefully when renting and returning.  If there is a problem call the customer service right then and there to try to resolve your problem quickly.

As for now I'll just keep using my Netflix and of course the public library. I'm quite happy with both and can wait a bit longer to see my favorite movies.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Netflix Error - AIP-701 How to fix

Hi Everyone!  Feeling much better and getting back on the mend.  Still low-key on the shopping which is why I haven't updated my posts on shopping & saving money but I will be one of these days.

So being low-key has meant that I have watched way more TV than usual.  I cut the cord on cable almost 5 years ago.  It was rough at first but the family and I got used to it.  After years of watching DVD's and getting movies from the library getting Netflix was like opening a long-forgotten door to unlimited entertainment.  In my opinion it has been just as full of choices as cable.  

Lately though my viewing experience has been interrupted by errors - mainly the AIP-701 error.  My movies & shows would just stop and it was starting to happen almost constantly.  My internet searches proved fruitless for some odd reason.

Ok, here is the simple Lifehack Mom Fix:  Delete Netflix off of the Wii. Go into the system settings/data to do this.  Then go back in through the Wii Shopping channel and find your downloads.  Re-download the Netflix software and you should be happily watching movies & shows again.  

Happy viewing!

Monday, September 3, 2012

My UPDATE + A young blogger needs our help - husband tragically killed.

Hello everyone out there in cyberspace or whatever it is being called these days.

I haven't posted lately because I've been in a lot of pain.  Being on the computer has been difficult.  I woke up one morning with severe neck/arm/back/shoulder pain.  I'd say  it was a 8-9.  I went to the doc and even with pain pills, etc the pain was still at around say a 6.  My whole life started to revolve around pain.  Got a diagnosis of a pinched nerve, degenerative disc disease, moderate arthritis, and muscle spasms.  Well I am finally feeling better.  Pain is much less and tolerable.  I don't think it's going to be completely gone but I can deal with this.  

I think the best thing is to just keep moving forward and doing something, anything. It actually felt better to stand and move around then to sit or lay down. While I haven't been on the PC as much I've gotten my car cleaned out totally (yeah!), been cleaning the basement, cleaning out cabinets and clutter and working on long forgotten projects.  I've spent more time with the kids and did some more arts and crafts. I've done a lot of noodle projects LOL.

I will get back to part 2 , etc about saving money on groceries.  To be honest I was so stocked up and hardly shopped at all the last couple of weeks except for stuff like milk, fresh fruits & veggies, etc.

Anyway, enough about me.  I read some other blogs and got a update in my email yesterday from one of the blogs I read.  She wrote about a young blogger with 2 kids + one on the way whose husband was tragically killed.  This was sad of course.  I am posting the link as there has been a fund set up for funeral expenses.  Any amount no matter how small that could be donated will I'm sure be a great help to this family.  Prayers for this family would be appreciated I'm sure too.  

Here's the link:

Thanks for taking the time to read and help.

Well I'm off to get more things done.  I'll have a post up by tomorrow on Part 2.  Check it out and save more $$'s on your grocery bill.

Have a blessed day!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Welcome to my blog about saving time & money!

Hello and Welcome to my blog.  What do I write about?  I write about my "lifehacks" that save me money and time.  I also write about anything that comes to mind.  I'll try to be brief yet concise.

I have 2 children - ages 17, & 5. Prior to having the last one I worked full time. I won't bore you with the job details.  Like most people, I tried to do my best and I did enjoy working.  

Since I "quit working" a real job I've discovered/learned new skills to make life easier and save, save, save, money.  I've learned how to save lots of money on groceries by price matching & coupons, grow a garden, raise chickens, and can my own food just for starters.

I love being home with my family and look forward to many more.

Check out my tips and freebies I come across to help you save time and money.

Take Care!
